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Read below the latest news from Conradh na Gaeilge. 

Irish Language Act - ‘High time Irish recognised as Official Language with legislative protections & services, visibility and an independent commissioner’ – Conradh na Gaeilge

“British Government have responsibility to bring about Irish language Act and now is the time to fulfill those obligations” – Conradh na Gaeilge

New Directory of Irish Language Centres launched in Ráth Chairn

Irish a global language, with over 50 countries already taking part in #TrasnaNadTonnta

“We want to brief SOS on proposals and legitimate need for Irish Language Act” – Conradh na Gaeilge

All eyes on DUP vote tonight as discriminatory TUV motion against Irish-language rights goes before council

30,000+ Students & Every County in Ireland Taking Part in Gaeilge24 Challenge

Celebrating & Contemplating 125 Years of Irish Language Revival with Bliain na Gaeilge 2018

Newsletter | November 2017

Despite Hurricane Ophelia Comhrá '17 Has Just Broken A World Record

Conradh na Gaeilge calling on Taoiseach to intervene to ensure fairness and equality for the Irish language and the Gaeltacht in Budget 2018

Irish Language Groups from Dundalk to Doha Take On Conversation Challenge

Conradh na Gaeilge to deposit archives at NUI Galway

"Parties and Governments have opportunity to make the right decisions for the right reasons" - Conradh na Gaeilge

Conradh na Gaeilge

6 Harcourt Street, Dublin 2.
Phone: +353 (0) 1 475 7401, Fax: +353 (0) 1 475 7844, Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.