Irish Language Act Consultation Form
At the above link you can play your part in our campaign for an Irish Language Act in the north. It couldn't be quicker or simpler: complete the form Conradh na Gaeilge has prepared online or print it out and ask people to complete it. A few tics are all that is necessary but any opinions you'd like to share would be most welcome! The form itself is bilingual.
The form can be sent on to the following address:
Comhodaitheoir Freagairtí
Comhairliúchán ar Bhille Gaeilge
An Roinn Cultúir, Ealaíon agus Fóillíochta
Leibhéal 7, Malartán an Chabhsa
1-7 Sráid Bedford
Béal Feirste
by email to:
or dropped in to their nearest Irish Language Centre for us to collect and pass on.
Ní neart go cur le chéile!