As talks move closer to a deadline Irish-language Act tops the agenda
Dr Niall Comer, President, Conradh na Gaeilge, says;
"As the talks enter their final days Conradh na Gaeilge calls on all parties to support a strong rights-based, stand-alone Irish language Act. To date a majority of 50 of 90 MLAs support the call for protective legislation. Conradh na Gaeilge’s costings demonstrate a practical, ‘reasonable’ and cost-effective way in which this can be delivered whilst meeting the legitimate expectations of the community.
"Only strong rights-based legislation based on international best practices and experiences can deliver the change the Irish speaking community has been calling for for so long, and importantly fulfill a long-standing commitment given at St Andrews. Now is the time to deliver a strong Irish language Act; now is the time to deliver real change for the Irish-language community as was promised over 10 years ago. Any agreement must include a stand-alone, rights-based Irish-language Act.”